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Mar 26, 2017

Robin on her 5 crucial lessons for beating the far Right, new-found sub-atomic particles, and fashion pluralism. Guests: Shannon Coulter, founder of the #GrabYourWallet campaign; Molly Schiot, author of Game Changers: The Unsung Heroines of Sports History.

Shannon Coulter: »
#GrabYourWallet on...

Mar 19, 2017

Robin on GOP "health care," Trump's budget, and the Deep State. Guests: Egyptian activist Mozn Hassan, leader of NAZRA Feminist Studies, now facing life imprisonment; Julie Scelfo on her book, The Women Who Made New York. Plus, Surrealism Corner.

Mozn Hassan: »

Julie Scelfo:
The Women Who Made New York on...

Mar 12, 2017

Robin on the abuse of women Marines, the gutting of our government, and defining the social compact. Guests: Erica Armstrong Dunbar's Never Caught on George Washington's pursuit of a runaway slave; Kathleen Barry's creative way to spread feminism.

Erica Armstrong Dunbar:
Never Caught: The Washingtons' Relentless Pursuit...

Mar 5, 2017

Robin on DT's speech to Congress, Sessions and the Russians, and the Ides of March. Guests: Russian expert Nina Khrushcheva on Putin's plans for Trump; Danielle Newnham's Female Innovators. Plus, the Surrealism Corner, Bit the Dust, and We Won This!

Nina Khrushcheva:
Nina Khrushcheva’s Blog »

Danielle Newnham: